Progress Report: 7.8.22

Grasshopper Farms Family,

The ladies are big. The ladies are beautiful. The ladies are healthy.

Is everyone aware of why the plants are referred to as ladies in our industry? Because they are all female plants. We actually do gender testing of all new plants we bring on property because just one male plant can trigger pollination and create a seeded flower product.

Sooo...there is no room for a boys club here in this amazing population of incredible ladies.

And they are incredible.

The growth this week continues to amaze our team on site and all visitors. We had more industry experts tour the farm and give us the highest compliment we could hope for - our farm has the best looking outdoor plants in the state of Michigan and most other states too. When we ask what we should look at differently or change, the response has been unanimous - nothing.

Speaking of plants....we have 4,968 plants outside and 617 inside for a grand total of 5,585 plants! And, you can see from the pictures, they are all doing amazing!

The outdoor plants are getting big. They are loving their outdoor home. Everyone who visits can clearly see it. You will see the team working with the plants. The team was able to identify a potential issue at the base of the stalks of a handful of plants. Normal. They were quick to respond and all will be well. This is one of the areas that differentiates us from other farms. We don't stop at problems. We see an obstacle and we address it and overcome it. You will also see the team using a refractometer to analyze properties of the plants that then allows us to support them.

The second layer of trellis support has been installed! This is another milestone because it speaks to the size of the plants.

We end our outdoor update with Andrew displaying a volunteer plant from last year. We aren't able to keep the volunteers from last year for a number of reasons, but it seems that people AND plants are interested in joining our team!

As we move inside we see healthy plants and two layers of trellis support as well! The disciplines are different - indoor growing and outdoor farming. But the health of the plants remains our focus and the indoor team, led by Shawn and Lukas, is doing a phenomenal job.

Victor has the pre-roll program dialed and has been awarded the title of pre-roll master. We already have requests coming in for our pre-rolls! Our name is in the market.

Adam loaded up three of seven shipments today that went out this week for a total of 314 pounds. Another interesting note is that we have more inbound calls requesting product than outbound sales calls.

Our name is becoming known. Our quality is becoming known. Our brand is becoming known. Patience is paying off.

In addition to the mentions above, I've included some other awesome shots:

- One of our employees has an interesting vehicle. We had to include it in our update this week!

- Matt has been doing a heck of a job documenting the season with some drone shots!

- Some doves took the opportunity to enjoy our farm!

We are about to start our harvest planning sessions. We will review our lessons from last year. We will discuss what we have in front of us.

And, with this team...we will crush our goal.

Have a fantastic weekend!


Progress Report: 7.15.22


Progress Report: 7.1.22