Progress Report: 8.19.22

Grasshopper Family,

Our intern program is hitting another milestone! Our two awesome interns, Victor and Max, are returning to school. They have done an incredible job over the summer and we can't wait for them to return! Victor sent over a couple pictures of his daughter, who is another one of our young Grasshoppers. Cute!

Our outdoor plants continue to grow at an explosive rate. They are big and beautiful. Check out more t-posts being driven to provide additional support. We have some August bugs and septoria, but the team is handling it. The outdoor plants also have young flowers starting to form! We have about five weeks until harvest of our outdoor plants. It is coming fast! 

We have more cloning operations inside. These clones will be our new generation of mother plants. Shawn had fun with one of the cuts that turned out like a mini beanstalk. Our team works hard, but also has FUN doing it!

The indoor flowers are a few weeks ahead of the outdoor flowers. They look BEAUTIFUL! The indoor plants will start the harvest process in just two weeks! Once harvested, we will change the use of these rooms, using the space for our outdoor harvest. And we will need every single square inch!

We had another incredible milestone this week...Aaron and Caroline came to Delaware and we spent all day on Tuesday touring nine New Jersey properties! It was a great exercise. Aaron assessed the properties from a farming perspective and Caroline looked at things from a regulatory and compliance lens. I have included some pictures of a donkey, a couple pigs, some structures, raising butterflies, and even a clawfoot bathtub. That last one hit home because that is what we had when I was growing up. It was a quick trip for Aaron and Caroline, but worth it. 

We had a few more tours this week. One was today with a gentleman from New York who has been in this industry in different ways for a while. He was very complimentary of our team, what we are doing, and how we are doing it. And this guy is not in the habit of giving compliments.

I had another harvest meeting with the team yesterday. The plan is solid. The learnings from last year have been incorporated. And everyone is ready to deploy and adapt. I am really excited about this harvest!

Our pictures end with another beautiful sunrise and the latest weekly drone shot.

I hope this update finds you well and ready to enjoy an amazing weekend. 


Progress Report: 8.26.22


Progress Report: 8.12.22