Progress Report: 6.25.2021

Grasshopper Family,

It has been another tremendous week - of achievements and overcoming challenges.

Rain. We have been blessed with a lot of rain. A lot. The good news is the rain came at an opportune time that tested our field after a very dry spring, helping to confirm the locations of low spots in time to modify beds. There are three areas that impact about 6% of plant locations, which is great. We also have a pond that needs some attention. But, the team sprang into action this entire week. Even today, the rain had come and the team was on it at 6:00am. Check out the picture of Matt glancing to one of our cameras as he was headed out to fire up one of the pumps.

Aaron is proud to report that most of the plants have been transplanted into their outdoor pots and he is holding on the next batch until the rain passes. These are the decisions of a seasoned farmer. We work with Mother Nature and are grateful for all that she gives us.

We have a very solid team at this point that is a combination of locals and a migrant team. I have to admit, I am fascinated with our migrant partners. They start in Florida and then move their way up though Georgia, the Carolinas, New Jersey, and finally Michigan. And the work they have been taking on at Grasshopper Farms has been demanding, to say the least. The word is that they really enjoy working for Grasshopper Farms. Our goal is to take care of them and develop a partnership in which they always know where they will land...with us. People taking care of people.

But, all of our employees have been crushing it and we are about to turn the corner from setting up infrastructure to a complete focus on taking care of our plants. The days will consist of inspecting each of our 4,500 outdoor plants over 32 acres. No small task.

But, until then, we will continue to lay ground cover, fill the 100 gallon fabric pots, place the pots, and install irrigation lines.

I had to include a selfie of that Paul took. Not only has Paul been indoors 95% of his time, but he is also responsible for 95% of the pictures. You have all told me how much you value the I had to give Paul some props this week.

Adam headed to a huge industry convention - CannaCon. He is in Detroit at this very moment meeting with all sorts of folks in the industry who are really impressed with our mission and want to work with us. He is perfect because he has been trained in sales and has been a Michigan Caregiver for the past ten years. We are brining premium sun-grown flower back the shelves exclusively by Michigan Caregivers. Yeah...that's what we do. And people are very interested.

I am including a video (attachment) this week that had a huge impact on me. Jason took the video and sent it over. I started watching as he started at the West side of the farm and started heading to the East side, capturing each of the beds of ~270 plants. I kept anticipating the end. Again. And again. And again. And I was a part of designing this property! Yet, it never seemed to end when I thought it would. (The size of the video meant less pictures, but is TOTALLY worth it.)

As I wrapped up this week and this video, I found myself filled with gratitude, pride, and emotionally overcome with the magnitude of what we have accomplished. Completely in awe.

And that was only half of the field.

We are about to celebrate the outgoing on June and welcome July. Harvest will be here in three short months.

This is happening.

And each of you are part of this amazing story.

Let's end this email with a beautiful sunrise pic that Harvey took on the way to work. They never disappoint.

We remain on track. We are Grasshopper Farms.


Progress Report: 7.2.2021


Progress Report: 6.18.2021