Progress Report: 3.15.24

Grasshopper Family,

Plowing, 4X4s, and now snow angels! Colorado is getting it done during the snowfall that made the news.

In Michigan, we had another surprise inspection! Passed with flying colors. We have a phenomenal relationship with the state. They DO NOT give us a pass on anything. Nor should they. The team is working hard to exceed expectations.

And our team is...exceeding expectations.

Meanwhile, the state had a HUGE bust on the enforcement side. They are NOT giving operators any room to slide or slack off.

Caroline did the work to get us certified in the Michigan CRA Veteran Recognition Program! There are not many of us...and we are proud to represent our military ownership and employees.

The team has been working with our mother plants and plants we are evaluating from seed. The next step for the seed produced plants is gender testing.

In Minnesota, Jamie and I met with a realtor and talked through the properties he and Jamie have been scouting. We are VERY excited for the next steps in Minnesota!

I shared the following message with the team:

When we develop a belief we find things to support it.

Whether it is true...

...or not.

Let's always strive to be curious, ask questions, and seek information before we allow a belief to solidify.

Let's also give others the benefit that they might not understand this concept or are still working on it.

WE can do this.


What was really cool is that I had multiple people get a hold of me and ask if that was meant for them. The answer for all of them It was not inspired by any individual person or action. It was just something that came to me, resonated, and I wanted to share.

I love it when we stumble onto something that not only makes global sense, but is also meaningful at the individual level as well.

No matter what color you are looking for, I hope you find it. Along with the rest of the colors too. (Reference to the above link.)

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!


Progress Report: 3.22.24


Progress Report: 3.8.24