Progress Report: 12.8.23
Grasshopper Family,
The Class of 2024 is up and coming!!
Yes, the plants that will lead to the 2024 season are well rooted and looking VERY healthy. People often ask us what we are doing after we are done with "harvest." What they mean is, what are you doing after you are done with the outdoor cutting and drying portions of harvest. That all takes place in about six weeks. After that, you know the heavy lifting continues with bucking, trimming, curing, quality control, and packaging. What often gets overlooked is the cycle of our plants. That starts now for the next year.

Speaking of the post cut/dry part of harvest, we are moving along! We will have FINAL numbers next week! That milestone will help us make some key decisions for 2024 and beyond!
New Jersey is continuing to move forward at a healthy pace as we navigate the sluggish regulatory process. Everyone is doing their best at the state and local levels. Our property looks great. The team is ready. A few more meetings and inspections and we should be off to the races!
The Colorado team should be done bucking and trimming in the next three weeks. They are doing an AMAZING job in how they are managing the operations and are now planning on how we will iterate for an even more amazing 2024.
Caroline and Adam are back from MJ Biz Con and brought a lot of incredible information and relationships with them. We will always honor our commitment to always learning. That is life. And that is definitely our industry.
You may have seen in our most recent marketing email that the merchandise solution has been finalized. We are in the new solution with our amazing partners at the Colobus Apparel Company and we are SUPER jazzed with the selection. Check it our here when you have a chance. The holiday ornament is hilarious and awesome. Tom and Beth are amazing people and run an awesome company and we are honored to partner with them! Be sure to send any merch requests/ideas our way!
The momentum of the business is building at a very evident and incredible rate. So, that means one thing. Taking care of our people. We are nearing the end of the year and go through the process of taking care of people in December and get ready to roll out how we are going to level people up in 2024. You have heard me say it or write it before...the only truly proprietary aspect of our company is our team. Period.
We will take care of ourselves.
We will take care of each other.
We will support each other to success.
We are Grasshopper Farms.
Have an amazing Friday and weekend!