Progress Report: 1.28.22

Grasshopper Family,

This is the last update for the month of January! What?! Yes...January is in the bag. It's hard to believe we are wrapping up the first month of 2022. And yet, here we are.

Our incredible team continues to crush the work at the farm. Quality control and packaging are top priority with outdoor plants quickly gaining momentum. Aaron has been working on our strain strategy for our 2022 season and we are VERY excited! He is also working on additional strains which is very exciting!

Sales. We have sold 58 lbs to 9 locations and I am VERY proud! This is the EXACT arc we wanted! Specifically, this helps us to develop our sales channel early. And we have. Adam's messaging is awesome. Kayla's accounting is incredible. Caroline and Von's compliance is spot on!

I got some questions about the recall I included in the update last week. The $250,000,000 product recall. The recall that did not involve us. So, the state issued a recall of product that was tested by Virdis. This was product in retail locations and that had been sold to customers. Huge. The state sued Virdis. Virdis sued the state. It was a mess. But, here is how that impacted retail flower. All of the product was recalled and required to go through retesting. There was a mad scramble to protect revenues. Not by us. The product was retested and, in a panic, sent back to market at a deep discount. People were worried about their product. I get it. So, the market rate for flower dropped as this happened and low grade outdoor harvests worked through their supply.

We did not panic. We did not waver. We remain confident. We remain consistent.

And now...the feedback is starting to come back from the first nine locations. And it is good. Very good. You see, many consumers are eating (with their eyes) the THC % and what the flower looks like. We are good on both measures. But then the use test kicks in. What it tastes like. How it makes people feel. This is where we leave people behind. Our product is good. Very good. And consumers are coming back asking for more.

Are you watching on social? The different locations are being announced there and will be on our website soon too.

Something else is developing. We are being approached by people and organizations. They are asking to work with us. We are getting looks. And this is all happening without us looking or asking. Our name is out there.

We are proud.

So, now we execute on quality and consistency. And we are executing. With quality. In our product. And in how we operate.

Lukas took some great shots of the farm when he was there to take care of our plants in Building 1 on the weekend. He showed up by himself to a thick blanket of snow. And it was beautiful. Sure the "feels like" temp is at zero and below. But, the team continues to appreciate the beauty.

Let's also take a look at Adam at Consume and some of the in-store resources and the price they are selling our product at. Check out the pics! And how about the transport vehicle delivering more product?!

Caroline and Von continue to crush the compliance aspects of what we do...and it is a big lift!

We are getting ready for Building 3! Kris provided a rare glimpse of his work. This rare because Kris usually does not sign off on anything before it is final. Thank's Kris!

And I had to share a picture of the icicles and the architectural drawings on my bag as I traveled between home and the farm.

Which I am so grateful to have the opportunity to do.

I feel so blessed for this amazing team that has built and operated this amazing farm and then produced this amazing product.

I don't feel blessed.

I AM blessed.

Have an awesome Friday and weekend.


Grasshopper Farms Investment Group: 2.1.22


Progress Report: 1.21.22