Progress Report: 1.24.25

Grasshopper Family,

I was with our incredible Colorado team this week...and they are ON FIRE.

This team took over an existing farm. They operated it as it was built the first year. This is a good way to get familiar with everything. They then made some smart changes for year two and crushed quality and quantity.

This team is on track to do amazing things.

But wait...there's more. The Colorado market is discovering what Grasshopper Farms is bringing to the table. And, they like it. Just like in Michigan, this is a slow patient process. But, it is happening. There is no denying it. I met with one of the oldest retailers today (3rd or 4th license in the state!) and they had incredible feedback to share with us.

Colorado had a record low temp of -15⁰! Maybe you caught the video on social media. Check out some of the outdoor pics! Did you know we have chickens and goats on our Colorado farm? I enjoyed some delicious fresh eggs for lunch every day! 

We are about to bring on a new generation of mother plants in Colorado. Exciting!

As shared before, pre roll operations are in full swing! The team is absolutely crushing it, averaging 5,000 pre rolls per day...and that number is CLIMBING. These are full flower high quality pre rolls! And, check out some of the graphics to let our retail partners know.

GHF Colorado had a record number of manifest/orders (10) to go out in a single shift! I was honored to be on site when this record happened! Pictures included!

And the sunrises...well...they are...gorgeous.

The Michigan team crushed some cloning this week! We are moving into the next phase of the 2025 season! Yup. That is happening in January! People often ask what we do when we are not taking care of plants outside. I always smile and reply...."a lot." And, it is a lot. All year long.

After spending the last two weeks at the Michigan and Colorado farms, this I am sure of - our teams are on point and at the leading edge of their markets. I could not be more proud, grateful, and feeling blessed.

The Friday message shared today is an amazing reminder of what science and studies have proven time and time again.

What we focus on - grows.

That can be optimism.

That can be sadness.

That can be assuming positive intent.

That can be hate.

No matter what you focus on WILL grow.

You have everything you need to cultivate this concept to work FOR you.

Have an AMAZING Friday and weekend!


Progress Report: 1.31.25


Progress Report: 1.17.25