Progress Report: 1.17.25
Grasshopper Family,
That's it! We are on the other side of January!
What a great time to reflect on life. We are past the "new year" and into it. A time to review our plans. A time to review our tasks. A time to review how we are taking care of ourselves.
The Colorado team is splashing into the week with a personal record! They kicked us off with an amazing picture of the moon and then shared how the team is tackling their pre roll production. The record...they just crushed producing 5,000 pre rolls in a single shift! With four people!
Way to go, Colorado!
New Jersey was adamant about pumping out some record breaking news as well. First, a picture of the room that will house the new bathroom. For those of you who followed the planning board meetings...the infamous bathroom. BUT...the big news came last night! We received a unanimous vote in November. While the vote was what we needed, we then had to wait for their attorney to draft the resolution and then it had to get routed back for a final signature. It took their attorney longer than the limit of 45 days, which caused them to ask us for a favor in extending the deadline. We, of course, accommodated. The meeting finally took place last night and we received the final vote and signatures!
Let's goooooo, New Jersey!!!
I had the honor and blessing of spending the week with the Michigan team.
So did the snow.
Michigan has new genetics on site! As previously shared, they are in quarantine tents, being tended to each day. Our mother plants are looking HEALTHY and ready to produce the clones we week! Shawn and Lukas displayed a new piece of equipment we won in a raffle and shared on social media. See the picture about it on any of our social media channels!
Taking care of our equipment is paramount. In fact, we just had more industry visitors this week and some described our property as new. Heh. It is not new. We simply take care and maintenance very seriously. Check out some of our tables and tanks being cleaned!

The team is crushing the pre roll infusion process. They make it look so simple. It isn't. In fact, they make so much look simple...that isn't. This is the importance of your people!
Once the pre rolls are produced, the QC and packaging team takes them and does their magic.
Speaking of quality control, the team is also getting close to finishing the work with our 2024 harvest flower. A huge effort. Necessary. And, we take it very seriously.
Quality and consistency.
Jack beat me out every morning. Plowing the driveway and parking lot and then shoveling the walkway.
And we had some significant snow this week. Check out Von outside and then inside...impersonating the abominable snowman. Well done, Von!!
Our Friday message aimed at where this email started.
I’ll take care of me for you if you take care of you for me.
There is a huge shift taking place. Our Great Depression and World War II generations focused on taking care of everyone else. They had to. But, life goes on and circumstances change. And, now we are understanding that we have to take care of ourselves to truly serve others.
Those we don't know.
You can not be there for others if you are not taking care of yourself. So, please consider what you eat, how you exercise, how you get still, how you sleep, if you choose any supplementation, and who you choose to include in your community.
Be thoughtful.
Be deliberate.
And make the best investment you can!
There are some big games going on this weekend! The Michigan team is beyond excited for the Lions.
No matter what you do and who you do it with on this very important Martin Luther King Jr. Day it with faith, zest, joy, and fulfillment.