Progress Report: 1.19.24

Grasshopper Family,

Let's start in New Jersey! We had our first redevelopment board meeting last night. The meeting started at 7pm. We were third and final on the agenda. We were called at 8pm. We had a panel of experts testifying on our behalf to talk about what we are doing and how we are doing it. There were a lot of questions. There was a lot of discussion. We concluded at 11:30pm with a requirement to provide some additional documentation, allow the board to review, and we should have a vote on February 15th. None of the requirements are difficult and none require us to operate differently than we were planning.

So, we will get this knocked out in the next couple weeks and get ready for the 15th!

So, we are on our way and I am looking forward to our next steps! Pam and Duane sent over a couple of shots of the snow at our New Jersey farm!

Colorado is doing a great job with getting their flower ready for market and got a few beautiful outdoor pictures to share with you! They also shared some great shots of the healthy mother plants!

Like a lot of the country, Michigan has also been under a perpetual blanket of snow.

Adam got out there and crushed a few more vendor days! He is so good with people. It's ridiculous.

The team has been carefully handling the flower and making sure to have product ready for Adam to sell. The season has had a moderate to slow start on the sales side, which is normal for this time of year. The larger orders really start picking up after April. Adam understands the importance of how the market ebbs and flows and has developed a wonderful sales cycle that keeps a limited amount of product in the marketplace until April, when some of the other suppliers deplete their inventory and leave us remaining.

Meanwhile the team has been making great strides on infused pre rolls! We should have more to share on that front in the coming weeks. The initial feedback has been insane. For now, check out one of the infused pre roll meetings!

I was reflecting on mindset, focus, and the power of being deliberate. All hold tremendous power in what we are doing. And where we are going! Our mindset can be that of worry or confidence. You choose. Our focus can be on things that move the needle personally and professionally or on things that might be fun in the moment, but don't equate to or align with any of your goals. You choose. The power of being deliberate is owning the fact that all of our decisions are indeed our decisions. You choose.

We can own a mindset of confidence. We can focus on activities that are aligned with our mission and vision. We can be deliberate in owning our decisions.

What we think and say to ourselves and others is raw power. Keep those three things in mind when considering what you think and say to yourself and others.

And watch yourself SOAR!

Have a wonderful snowy weekend.


Progress Report: 1.26.24


Progress Report: 1.12.24