Progress Report: 1.12.24

Grasshopper Family,

Happy Friday!!

I hope you have all had a productive and fulfilling week.

We sure have.

Colorado has their mother plants for the 2024 season!! This is a fantastic milestone for the Colorado team because it is the start of their second year! The Colorado team is also bagging the 2023 flower and has been receiving excellent compliance tests.

New Jersey has been doing a ton of prep for our planning board meeting on the 18th. I can not understate the importance of this prep work. It has served us well in the past and will serve us well next week. We are closing in on having plants and being operational!

The Michigan team crushed the week, continuing to work through the QC process of their flower, produce pre rolls, and execute against sales. In addition to the hard work, a clay turtle made the rounds through different parts of the farm and operations.

We also took some time this week to go deep into strategy, culture, and vision. I was so impressed with how everyone showed up and what we accomplished.

I am ending this week with absolute certainty of where we are and where we are going.

I hope the same clarity for you.

Have an amazing close to your week.


Progress Report: 1.19.24


Progress Report: 1.5.24