Progress Report: 11.24.23
Grasshopper Family,
I am excited to bring you an update with even more gratitude! And I am a guy who already has A LOT of gratitude! There's always room for more!
While this was a shorter week with a well deserved extended break after harvest, SO MUCH was accomplished!!
Colorado received the one and ten pound bags and they look GREAT! Yes, we will absolutely send pictures of the ten pound bags full. The Colorado team also had a nice Thanksgiving meal before wrapping up. Looks good!
The Minnesota team has EVERYTHING packaged in flower form! It looks amazing! Jamie and Seth also took the family for some outdoor fun and got some awesome shots, to include one of our pre roll tins!
The Michigan team is still continuing to clean everything after harvest. They are doing an amazing job. We have also cut our next batch of clones! Another milestone!!
The team captured some amazing sunrise/sunset pictures! Jack and his drone game keep elevating! Yeah...pun intended. These fall shots are INCREDIBLE!
Our last farm picture is of Jack, the proud papa. His first young Grasshopper who is also the youngest resident of the farm. We are truly blessed.
So many blessings.
I sent something I wrote to a few folks and got more feedback than I had anticipated. I would like to share it with you as well:
Sometimes we find ourselves discovering dots. Maybe even connecting one or two. Maybe even all of them. Don’t forget to see the journey for what it is in its entirety. While each dot is important, the big picture must never be left undiscovered or lost.
Our journey at Grasshopper Farms has truly been a blessing of milestone dots that have created an amazing picture of opportunity and fulfillment. A group of incredible individuals came together, formed a family, and have absolutely crushed it in all means measurable.
And the joy we have found is undeniably powerful.
Have an amazing Friday and weekend of gratitude.