Progress Report: 10.18.24
Grasshopper Family,
I had the honor of spending time at both farms during harvest this week.
There are many ways to measure things.
I choose to pay attention to the people first. The mood of the team at both farms was quite remarkable. People are proud. People are motivated. And this is in the middle of the HEAVY lift we call harvest.
The second thing I focus on is our property, buildings, and equipment. Once again, the teams are crushing it. Clean. Organized. Maintained.
Last, I check the product. What?! Why is the product last? Simple. Without the first two, the product will never achieve quality and consistency. And the product this year...AMAZING.
It was hard to select pictures this week. So many wonderful pictures.
In addition to the pictures that speak for themselves, here are a few more highlights.
We sent out our first MASSIVE amount of biomass to one of our manufacturing partners in Michigan. It was a very heavy lift!
A group of the Michigan team showed up on Wednesday...clean shaven...except for...moustaches. It was pretty epic.
Adam was able to sell the final pounds of our 2023 harvest! And he took that call when he and Caroline were driving through the field, discussing this year's harvest. And, I would be remiss if I did not remind myself that it did not seem conceivable that we would sell all of our flower as flower. We were totally prepared to sell it as biomass because of the illicit market penetration.
Our market relationships are taking off and really making a difference. of this week....both farms have sold 2024 product!
The Supermoon this week was AMAZING. Wow.
But, the last picture is from Aaron! A rainbow in Colorado on the mountains seen from our farm!
As we wrap is what we contemplated in our Friday message.
What we say is what we get.
The words we think and say MAKE A DIFFERENCE. First, to ourselves. Second, to those we say them to or about. This world needs more kindness. To ourselves. to others. Shifting away from talking ill of ourselves and others (no matter how much it might be warranted or true) will GREATLY improve our quality of life.
Make the change.
We can do this.
Have a fantastic weekend.