Progress Report: 10.25.24
Grasshopper Family,
And now we are facing the last update in the month of October!
Harvest is almost complete! Well, at least the cut days. People often ask us what we do when we are done cutting the field.
A lot.
We produce thousands of pounds and it takes time to buck, trim, cure, and QC all of it!
Part of building a premium brand with quality and consistency is the amount of time and care we take with our process. Then, it takes a lot of patience. But, that care and patience are paying off! Our name is definitely out there and we are finding ourselves known and in demand. We still have a long way to go, but the traction and momentum are undeniable at this point.

The Colorado team had their last premium flower cut day yesterday! I am so proud of the team. They have been crushing their harvest. Check out the celebratory team pic!!
Michigan is just about there as well! They plan to wrap up cutting in the field tomorrow! Check out one of our volunteers....a praying mantis! They are VERY good for farms!
Both teams have been working seven days a week and long days. It is a very heavy lift. And I could not be more proud of what they have accomplished. Incredible.
One clarification from last week. The reference to the 2024 harvest is that we have started selling 2024 product...not sold it all. Totally understand the confusion. The 2023 product is officially sold out and 2024 product sales have commenced!
We had more feedback come in! I shared the kind words in one of the pictures.
The Friday message we embraced today was...
Please consider.
Things are not always as they seem.
Strive to remain curious.
And kind.
It's easy to see, hear, or read something and develop a perspective that builds into a strong position.
But...almost always...there is more to the story.
The person who was rude who just came from a funeral. The person who missed a meeting because they were helping someone who got hurt. The difficult personality who has been struggling with childhood trauma.
If we stay curious...
If we remain open minded...
We might find incredible patience and tolerance in the truth that everyone else has something going on of which we are not aware.
The move is to be kind and supportive.
Especially when it feels impossible.
And with that....
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL final October weekend!