Progress Report: 8.23.24
Grasshopper Family,
We had some great milestones this week.
The Colorado shots look quite remarkable. The entire Colorado team is working so hard to push that farm to its potential. And they are doing an incredible job. I mean...look at these pictures!!
Keep up the good work!
Michigan found a frog hanging out. One of the reasons I really like this picture is it illustrates the amount of attention the team gives each and every day. That frog is pretty much the same color as the plant but was still spotted! And how about this praying mantis?! These guys are actually really good for the farm because they feed on smaller insects that could damage our plants. And Caroline checked in on our blue eggs in Bed 19.
Do you see the bucket in the picture of Bed 12? This is used to test the irrigation lines. There are so many things the team does each day to ensure operations are monitored and efficient. The next picture of two large tanks is something Brett put together to give the team the opportunity to test nutrients with a small number of plants. All done in house and on site. The whole team steps into self driven solutions and ingenuity. These are just two examples.
The first harvest takedown was performed this week! The plants were harvested and hung to dry last week. Now they came down and were bucked and trimmed. And the product looks pretty darn amazing.
We had another incredible milestone to celebrate this and Laura were married today! We are so happy for them and grateful that they are a part of our Grasshopper family.
Congratulations to you both!
Our company message today was that of purpose.
Do you know your purpose?
Once you get in touch with your purpose…
Your life will transform.
Do you know your purpose? Do you have one? Do you have more than one? The key is to have one and lean into it. This video did a PERFECT job illustrating the idea.
Seek your purpose. Own your purpose. And then surround yourself with people who will support your purpose.
Have an incredible weekend.
We are Grasshopper Farms.