Progress Report: 5.5.23

Grasshopper Family,

¡¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!! And, Happy May!!

This is the first update in May and the team has plenty to share.

Jason shared that the pump houses got more love as the field prep continued. It's another example of how the team takes care of the buildings and equipment in a way that I have not seen very often. Incredible.

Our next update comes from one of the team - Clint Malik!

"Cloning Department Friday update. WE HAVE ROOTS!! After nine days in domes, our little ones are starting to show roots! Gushers, Red Pop, Wedding Cake and Zookies are all showing roots! They will be ready for the next phase of their life and going into dirt next week. Here are some pictures of the team and the hard work and dedication that goes into these plants from day zero!"

The team running the operations to support our next generation of plants has been doing an amazing job.

Pre rolls! We launched VERY gently in the second week of April. These new type of pre rolls in new tins snuck into the market...and now the loyalty and momentum is starting to build. The pre rolls are great. The tins look amazing. The team puts them all together in such a polished way.

How about some feedback that we received today?

"I'm a smoker...I smoke a pre roll while I'm rolling my blunt smoker. Your Hell Cat is AMAZING...Keep up the good work. Picked up an oz @ Lucky's Cannabis. That was definitely a marvelous smoke."

"Me and my wife tried your Red Pop on 4/20. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you guys. Best I have had since the legalization. Tasted beautiful and exactly as described. And was potent as hell. We live about a mile and half from the farm. That's what made me try it. On windy days in the late fall we can smell your farm. It's great."

Wow. Add this to the guy who drives five hours from Ohio for our flower. Awesome.

New Jersey! Did you know the New Jersey farm has bee hives that produce honey and also raises butterflies that get released and migrate to Mexico? Yup! Check out two pictures from Colleen of some beautiful butterflies that are on their way south of the border!

The Michigan farm has a cute farm cat! And a farm dog! So much love.

The team went golfing again and had an audience of deer during their outing.

We wrap up this week with a picture of the flowers outside of Matt and Sarah's house with the operations in the background.

This has been another incredible week.

Now, if we could just figure out how to have Taylor Swift come perform a concert at the farm. Ha. Kidding. Maybe.

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL close to your Friday and amazing weekend.


How The Cannabis Industry Is Following In The Footsteps Of Craft Beer


Progress Report: 4.28.23