How The Cannabis Industry Is Following In The Footsteps Of Craft Beer

The cannabis market is taking the world by storm.

Now considered the fastest expanding market of today, this once controversial product is becoming more acceptable as people are finally acknowledging its many medicinal and recreational benefits.

With this emerging space comes new information. Once upon a time people would purchase this product from the black market. There was a significant amount of trust in that space. Trust in where it came from. Trust that it was safe for consumption. And trust that it would provide the desired effects. You'd finally find a reliable source, but then you'd cross your fingers and hope the same strain would be available the next time you wanted to buy.

As we transition into the commercial space, we find ourselves contemplating quality. What are the metrics of flower quality? Who defines these measurements? Great question!

In the past, it was all about the flower's appearance and aroma. The commercial market mandated lab testing and THC percentage joined the scorecard. Consumers would consider the look of the flower. They would then put it against a smell test. Interestingly, THC broke out as a quality marker. The higher the THC percentage the less people focused on the look and smell. The only challenge is that THC percentage just isn’t a singular marker of quality.

But, this isn’t the first time we have seen this sort of grading scale. Once upon a time, the craft beer industry was in a VERY similar position. People were drawn to high ABV (alcohol by volume) percentages. You might find someone ordering a craft beer with a 14% ABV simply because it had an unusually high ABV. And that was it. But, the market evolved and consumers started focusing on measures that make more sense. What kind of beer is it? Who made it? What ingredients did they use? What is the story of the company?

The measurement of quality of cannabis flower will soon become one of cannabinoid percentages and terpene percentages.

While the visual and sniff inspections can lead someone in the right direction, a quick check of the cannabinoids and terpenes will allow consumers to define the anticipated experience with way more accuracy than look and smell. Do you want more focus? Perhaps energy? How about less anxiety? Or maybe some help sleeping? Cannabinoid and terpene profiles are what will get you there - not look and smell. And definitely not the total THC.

Quality isn’t where it was grown. Quality isn’t the THC percentage. Quality isn’t what it looks like. Quality isn’t what it smells like.

Quality is the total profile of the flower.

Quality is cannabinoids. Quality is terpenes. Quality leads to…the entourage effect. This is the effect someone will feel that is a direct result of the specific cannabinoid and terpene ratios in that individual strain. And with hundreds and hundreds of strains, that means we have a lot of room to explore which strain is best for each person and for each desired effect.

So how will you choose your flower? You might find yourself discovering just how many cultivators do not publish their cannabinoid or terpene profiles. You will see just how few are. Ask for it! Demand it! And take note of it!

At Grasshopper Farms, we focus on strains with incredible cannabinoid and terpene profiles.

Because we focus on you.


Progress Report: 5.12.23


Progress Report: 5.5.23