Progress Report: 5.26.23

Grasshopper Family,


Farming is part SOPs, part plants, and part Mother Nature. The art of farming is developed through a symbiotic understanding in how to embrace all three when making decisions.

Well, that flow of information led us to bringing our plants outside to acclimate and start the transplanting process next week!

This is truly a huge step for the plant class of 2023.

And much like the rest of America, they headed outside to hang out in the sun for Memorial Day Weekend. Truly fantastic.

We recently met with a genetics company that specializes in cleaning and preserving genetics. Most plants have trace amounts of viruses in them. I know that sounds scary, especially given the recent years we have had in this space. However, in the plant world, some plant viruses are helpful by preventing overgrowth or promoting adaptation to changing environments. We are focused on the plant viruses causing a negative impact that viral diseases have on crop production. This lab takes our genetics and cleans them, meaning resets them to their original native strain state, disease free. This process takes a better part of ten months to do. So, we are VERY excited to see what happens with our 2024 plants.

This is some of the planning we do to secure our position in a future market. We execute today and plan for tomorrow.

The plants who could not get away for the holiday weekend are hanging out at home, getting ready to join their sisters in the very near future. Caroline called it a "sea of green" inside, which now exists outside too!

The team is continuing to prep the pots and irrigation lines. AND, they are getting the new areas ready for the additional plants. This is going to be a huge increase in our yield potential!

We are really excited with where we are today. The crash of 2021 left a lot of destruction behind it. The Cannabis Regulatory Agency just had a Zoom workshop this week to help failing businesses exit in a compliant manner. Wow. We are firmly grounded both operationally and financially.

Andrew sent me a picture of a volunteer plant. For those of you who are not familiar, a volunteer plant is one that spouts up unintentionally. Usually this is from a seed that found its way to an unknown location by the wind or animals. What a blessing.

Our farm cat (Truffle) and Caroline's dog (Lucia) became fast friends and can be seen here playing around together.

I spent twenty years and six months serving in the military. Around 7.3% of Americans are serving or have served. We lost the most Americans in our own Civil War, almost more than all other wars combined. World War II was second and World War I was third. We have a lot of dedicated days on the calendar for all sorts of worthy causes and events. This weekend marks the time when we remember those who gave their lives to support something that remains a work in progress...the United States of America. I have yet to find a utopian environment in any single family, company, or country. So, I will remember and celebrate those who gave their lives to fight for an ideal that we continue to work to evolve - America.

I hope you and those around you are able to spend this weekend with gratitude...and hopefully some sunshine as well.

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.


Progress Report: 6.2.23


The Great Cannabis Debate: Does Geographical Quality Exist?