Progress Report: 4.14.23

Grasshopper Family,

Good afternoon and happy Friday!

I am starting this update with some wonderful pictures that Olivia took of the sunrise from this morning! We do enjoy wonderful sunrises and sunsets. Another sign of the blessings for which we are thankful.

Let's talk about sales for a minute. Please look at the box truck the transport company had to RENT to keep up with Adam and Kayla! Von is proudly sharing the largest single order we have had to date! Oh, did I mention this is only one of the orders that went out this week? They pretty much go out every single day.

The pre roll tins are on and Adam has a goal of 20,000 tins this month. He is about half way there and we did not start on the 1st. So....GAME ON!

The team has kicked into high gear on taking care of the field. There is a lot of prep work to be done. But, we know this work. We know it well. This was also a great time to take care of our roads and aisles after the snow and rain.

And let's not forget the incredible work with our plants inside. Shawn and Lukas carry much of the load, but everyone is working hard....this is a team. This is a family.

Hawthorne Gardening Company came to visit the farm on Wednesday. This is their second visit and they came with some pretty talented individuals. They were VERY impressed with everything they saw as they toured the farm with the team. I love it when grow experts talk with Aaron. There are a lot of "Master Growers" who end up crumbling in these discussions. Not Aaron. They were very impressed. We are getting some serious looks from some serious players...inside and outside the industry.

Caroline, Madison, and I headed to Benzinga in Florida this past Tuesday and Wednesday. We contemplated this convention for two reasons. One, this was focused on finance and investing. This would be a place where the financial aspects of the industry would be talked about in great detail. This was also a place where we would tell our story. I had one-on-one meetings with financial CEOs. We had an insane amount of people visit our booth. I would estimate we were the busiest booth of the entire convention. I would also like to offer that we were not buying or selling anything. I would also bet that we were one of the only names and logos that everyone left clearly remembering.

Telling our story is so incredibly important. We left with a ton of interest and some very real requests to work with us. Some want to finance things for us. Some want us to open a GHF farm in their state. Some want us to use their equipment so they can share their product placement.

It's happening.

Speaking of telling our story...another podcast and article were released! Telling our story is making a difference. The interest is growing. I was even asked to run a separate outdoor farm for someone else. I said I was a little busy with this Grasshopper Farms thing. ;)

There is a ton of industry news out there. Some is relevant to us. Most is just noise. Something that is both interesting and relevant is the news that Curaleaf closed one of their New Jersey cultivation facilities and now their application to have their licenses renewed was just denied by the New Jersey CRC. These are important developments for us to pay attention to.

The weather just turned at the farm. While three of us were stuck in a severe Florida storm and flooding that was so bad it shut down the Ft. Lauderdale airport, the team at the farm was celebrating sunshine and warm temperatures. And it was well deserved.

But this family does more than celebrate at the farm.

Yup, you guessed it. The team headed out for some well deserved golf.

From our family to yours...

Have an amazing weekend!


Progress Report: 4.21.23


Progress Report: 4.7.23