Progress Report: 2.4.22

Grasshopper Family,

Happy February!! How was your Groundhog Day? (Go for the obvious joke here and say something about it being the same. Ha!) It was also 2/2/2022 on that day. Pretty cool.

Outside of the weather, it was Groundhog Day at Grasshopper Farms as well.

The team is really in a groove now with our quality control and packaging. For us, it will always be about quality and consistency. And the team is crushing it on both fronts.

Some of the stores who received our product did not have it set up last weekend...but they are ready to go now! We are in eight stores! One of them has already run out of some of the strains we sent them! The feedback is coming in and it is GREAT!

To expand on the sales portions of the updates the last two weeks - this is exactly where we want to be. Here is why. We entered the market softly because we are still in the process of packaging. If we went in harder we could have received orders that would have exceeded our available supply - a sure way to kill relationships and a company. Easing in has allowed us to check and improve our order, fulfillment, and billing processes; which we did.

Momentum is coming. And we will be ready.

As quality and packaging continued, two massive storms passed through. Maybe you caught that in the news. To GHF that meant snow, snow, and more snow. The team did a great job of keeping operations going safely.

Outside of Michigan...people are starting to find us. We are being approached to consider opportunities. To date the list includes NJ, CT, WV, VA, KS, MO, IO, and even some international locations. Now, let me be clear. I am not saying we are going to move into these markets. The message is that we are being asked to consider it...and that is awesome. It is a literal testament of who we are and how we are doing things.

I am super grateful!

Rounding out this week with some outdoor pictures from Shawn and Kayla. And how about a picture of some of our young Grasshopper enthusiasts and a means to chill some wine.

Enjoy and have a great weekend!


Progress Report: 2.11.22


Grasshopper Farms Investment Group: 2.1.22