Progress Report: 1.6.23

Happy New Year!!

Wow. Here we are. Two thousand twenty three.

What are your goals this year? What are you excited to do? What are you going to tackle that makes you nervous?

No matter what you are doing or planning on doing...don't delay. And DO the things that make you nervous. Do the things in which you might fail. Push out of your comfort zone. These are the things that will bring growth and fulfillment.

We built a business with aspirations of bringing a new name to outdoor flower. This was a VERY hard task. But, we did it. We brought our flower to a doubting market. We overcame and are now on our way to making a name for ourselves in Michigan and beyond.

Was it easy? Nope. Were there times when some were worried it was ending. Perhaps. Did it end? No. way. Are we proud? Absolutely.

We kicked off the new year at the farm with a couple of well deserved days away. Sunday was...well...the weekend. But, much like most of the companies out there, we gave our team Monday off as well. So, we enjoyed a four day work week. Enjoyed might be the wrong word. Because the work only builds up when we are away.

But, the team returned and got to work.

We are preparing for something. Something big. Our next calculated move in the Michigan market. And we can't wait to share it with all of you...soon. It's hard to keep it quiet! But, you will understand and appreciate when we do share it.

One of the pictures shows many totes. This is over 2,000 pounds going out today for testing!

Yes. The team is cranking.

New Jersey!

We have some pictures of the progress at the New Jersey farm. The Mother Room will have framing completed next week. HVAC, electrical, and plumbing will follow and everything should be ready for when we are approved to bring plants on property! This is going to be an epic step for Grasshopper Farms.

The entire team was commenting on how different developing the New Jersey farm is. We started with bare farmland in Michigan. Nothing. New Jersey has SO MUCH infrastructure and resources already built, operational, and available! We are quite literally lightyears ahead. BUT, the real value is having an AMAZING team in Michigan who is just a phone call or video chat away from walking through anything.

And with this amazing energy comes a glimpse on the horizon of four more states. Things are starting to come into focus.

And we are ready.

We have been organizing ourselves. We have been staying with our mantra - patience, discipline, consistency on a solid foundation of awesome people.

I hope this email finds you all doing well in this NEW YEAR. Get out there and tackle the things you know you need to do. AND, get out there and take on those things you are AFRAID to do. You will either do it or learn from it. BOTH are valuable.

You've got this!


Progress Report: 1.13.23


Progress Report: 12.30.22