Progress Report: 12.9.21

Happy Friday!

How is Christmas in two weeks? Didn't we just break ground for Grasshopper Farms?

Where oh where did the time go?!

The team is continuing to work through the massive amount of retail flower we harvested this year. This means going through every single tote and every single flower. It's a slow process, but one that a premium product deserves.

Cleaning and sterilizing is a part of our life. And doing it with snow on the ground makes it even more interesting. We are SO thankful for having the second building and space!

The snow is a nice blanket over the entire property. That includes inside of Sir-Mix-A-Lot! Look for the somewhat obscure picture on that one.

By the way...let's remember that we are taking care of over 30 strains (over sixty mother plants) during our winter months! They are all doing great. Shawn and Lukas are on point to care for our plants and they are doing a great job! Check out one of the atomizing sprayers in use! Or the nutrient water bubbling.

And how about some additional sales news? We executed another sale of biomass for $409,600 yesterday! This is another huge step for a couple reasons. One, the revenue flowing in instead of out is amazing. Two, this sale of biomass is to an organization that processes/extracts, but also has ten retail locations around Michigan and will be buying our flower!

Awesome. So very awesome.

Our marketing partners at C360 are wrapping up one of our game changers. They have created shelf shouters and product cards. I am including a couple examples of the front (product) and the back (harvested by) of these cards. They are amazing and different than I have seen in Michigan and even in other states! I included a couple of behind the scenes pics of the kush mints pics being taken.

I'll wrap up our update with an amazing sunrise picture that Matt took this morning. This is the magic of our property, our people, and our company - for sure.

I am incredibly grateful for you all.


Progress Report: 12.17.21


Progress Report: 12.3.21