Progress Report: 12.27.24
Grasshopper Family,
This is the last update of 2024!
I hope this email finds you well as we are embracing the holiday season of 2024.
This week was a modified week, but the work was STRONG.
Colorado is almost done sorting and organizing and is starting to enjoy some additional space in the warehouse! The sales model in Colorado is slightly different than in Michigan. This is one of our decentralized MSO strengths! We share common and best practices and support each other with things that are unique.
And, it is working!
Michigan is in full swing with QC, flower pre rolls, infused pre rolls, and a lot of maintenance and cleaning! The amount of volume the team is processing is quite remarkable. Our mother plants are in great shape!!
Check out a few different shots this week! Remember donut Friday? There is a picture showing it this time! Our farm cats also made the cut this week. So cute.
Adam crushed another vendor day at High Society with Ricky this week! This kind of engagement is incredible.
Caroline and Von were working away on all that is compliance.
Moving over to New Jersey....we have a lot going on! This is an exciting time in New Jersey because we are not waiting...we are doing. Let's gooo!
There are a couple of awesome pictures of Milo, Velzson, Adam, Caroline, and Von after having dinner together. Spending time together at work. Spending time together outside of work. Fun times!
We had someone reach out to us on Facebook, asking about RSO. RSO, which is Rick Simpson Oil, is a long established and very effective cannabis product that treats complex diseases. The founder, Rick Simpson, believes he used it to cure his basal cell carcinoma. The person who reached out loves who we are and what we do and asked if we produce RSO. We don't. BUT, Adam made sure to get a hold of one of our preferred manufacturers to secure some for her.
We do what is right. We do what is kind. We support each other to success.
Our final picture is from Shawn of a postcard scene in Plainwell. Amazing picture.

Our Friday message focused on the value and strength of parameters.
Two, not three.
Life really starts to unfold when we understand the value and strength of parameters.
This is a great concept to embrace. We are asked from time to time about competition. Our response revolves around a single Coke machine at a university. Pepsi wanted to put a machine next to it. The university studied what happened.
The sales went up for Coke and were equal to the competitive Pepsi machine. The explanation was relatively simple. When it was a single Coke machine, people had to choose between a Coke or nothing. When there were two machines the decision was to choose between a Coke or Pepsi.
Two, not three.
Seeking these lessons and embracing them goes a long way. And sharing them when we do discover them is incredibly important.
We support each other to success.
2024 was incredible. 2025 is going to be AMAZING. Take good care of yourself so you can feel GREAT as you support your family, friends, and peers!
I hope you have an amazing weekend! The next update will be coming to you in the new year!