Progress Report: 12.23.22

Grasshopper Family,

The winter solstice is behind us and the holiday season is upon us, along with some crazy weather.

Today, I would like to share gratitude. I am so proud of the team. The efficiencies between the 2021 harvest and 2022 harvest are undeniable. The differences between the 2021 product sales and 2022 product sales are monumental.

One aspect of the farm I would like to highlight this week is the number of our migrant employees who are managing the administrative flow of our operations. In an industry of regulatory compliance, clerical mistakes are not tolerated. This team is getting it done. I believe that is a testament to our team not directing people, but teaching and leading them.

One picture features totes that were carefully placed into a secure transport van. That picture was taken because the transport team did not think they could get them all in one van. Ivan laughed and showed how Tetris can make a difference. And he got them all in the van.

The team had to sit down and plan for this winter storm sweeping across the United States. They did a great job figuring out what to do in potential situations impacting temperature or power. And they did this proactively at the farm.

It's a good thing they did because Lukas found some pretty harsh conditions when he came to take care of our mother plants this morning.

I once told the team that my job is to empower and support them until I am irrelevant. I am proud to report that the team is doing an excellent job at making me irrelevant.

And I could not be more proud.

I am going to wrap the update with the team handing out some holiday cheer. Our mission starts and ends with our people. And Shawn made sure to take that to the next level this year, along with Caroline, Austin, and more.

I hope this email finds you well as we head into this holiday weekend.

Don't forget to enjoy the 2022 Nickelodeon NFL Christmas Day game featuring the Broncos vs. Rams and will feature slime, snow, and SpongeBob tie-ins on CBS. ;)


Progress Report: 12.30.22


Progress Report: 12.16.22