Progress Report: 1.20.23

Grasshopper Family,

We've had quite a week!

Final details are being worked out for the pre-roll program that we are excited to launch soon! Quality control and sales are also cruising along nicely. We are a conscientious supplier, which means we have shifted to our existing retail partners (limiting new retailers) for the remaining of the 2022 harvested flower. a GREAT milestone.

The clones cut last week are looking amazing! They look so incredibly healthy. This team really knows our plants.

New Jersey is moving along...VERY efficiently! The story feels incredibly similar to how Michigan came together. The picture this week shows all of the fencing material that has been delivered. GREAT!

Aaron and I headed out to Colorado this week to meet with an industry partner we are already working with in Michigan. We aren't ready to share the details just yet, but I think we have an amazing relationship brewing. There are two shots of Aaron during the tour. The second is of someone with whom Aaron shared mutual beard respect.

We then toured two farms. Yes. Colorado. The oldest adult use market. Mature. And, you know what? I am psyched about the potential. People talk down about mature markets. I feel differently. You can crush any market if you are able to operate in a mature market after it crashes. It takes way less effort to win in years one or two. Respect comes in these mature markets. We will evaluate the business opportunity and let you know! But, know this...they will all be mature markets someday and we will be amongst those who are running a legit business with strong business acumen.

Something else happened in Colorado. Aaron has never been to a Starbucks. Aaron has also never been to an In-N-Out Burger. Neither is true anymore. Enjoy the pictures.

The Michigan farm is evolving. People are cross training in even more spaces. Our migrant employees are deep into the administrative tasks. It's quite remarkable. The team raises successes just as fast as mistakes. Awesome. Check out this picture of the team doing the weekly audit. Solid.

We had a marketing meeting on Wednesday. We have put no money into advertising and yet...we have incredible followers and support. Retailers sell out of our product in an average of four days...whether they ordered four pounds or 150 pounds. Now, I want to be clear. The retailers are doing a great job with their retail skills. Then the customers return and want more because of the quality and consistency. Awesome product being sold by fantastic retail partners.

Starting a business is a marathon, not a sprint. We had to do a very strong pivot when the bottom fell out in November of 2021. We came out on the other side. Profitable. Paying our bills. Embracing our people.

This is an incredible journey.

And we are very grateful.


Progress Report: 1.27.23


Progress Report: 1.13.23