Progress Report: 10.21.22

Grasshopper Family,

We are now on the Google Maps satellite view!!

It's so awesome to celebrate these milestones. And we do that. We pause to recognize and celebrate each milestone. I believe this is one aspect of Grasshopper Farms that sets us apart from other teams and organizations.

We are rapidly closing in on the end of harvest. BUT, this final stretch will not be easy. The last mile of a marathon never is. The team has been cranking for the last four weeks, with about a week and a half to go.

Check out Arnesto and Isaiah! They are a part of the outside cutdown crew. The plants are coming out of the field and looking remarkable.

Some of the work during croptober is working with Mother Nature. We have had sunny days. We have had rainy days. We have had cold days. We have had warm days. We show up and get it done...regardless of the weather.

The product continues to work through the process until it lands in an approved status and heads out to the market.

Let's talk about some numbers. We have pulled 104,023.35 pounds out of the field. This is the wet weight, before it is de-leafed, dried, cured, and trimmed. We are working through this weight diligently, running two shifts. Adam has been selling product pretty much as soon as it is approved by the state. The first of the outdoor flower was approved for sale on October 12th. Adam has sold 435.8 pounds in the last nine days. Yup. That happened. He has also sold 168,200 pre-rolls since October 2nd. We are also in an additional 13 stores, for a total of 74 stores. Our goal is 100...and we are almost there.

We had a multi-state retailer visit the farm this past Monday. They are in Iowa, Colorado, and Michigan. They were blown away with our operation. We are discussing how we might work together in Michigan...and maybe in other states as well.

The hard work of year one is coming to fruition. Retailers enjoy working with us. Consumers like our product. Everyone loves our logo, story, farm, and especially our team.

A funny thing happened the other day. A student driver vehicle pulled into our parking lot just long enough for us to take a picture and chuckle. That is one driver training day that will not be forgotten by the students. "Remember that time when we were learning to drive and...."

New Jersey. Our banking has been approved! We are going to open the raise next week. Please make sure to reach out to me if you want to participate. There have already been a lot of commitments made. I am here if you want to discuss any aspect of the New Jersey opportunity.

When I started Grasshopper Farms I promised to send out updates. But, I made a commitment to only send updates when I actually had something to share. I guessed that it would be about one per month with some additional updates sprinkled in. Well, it turns out that I have been sending updates every single Friday for two years. It has never been for the sake of sending something. We have always had something to report. I have received words of praise and gratitude for the updates from both enthusiasts and investors alike. In fact, today someone told me that they are now recommending businesses adopt this cadence of communication into their strategy as well - saying that we have set the new standard. Kind words, for sure.

A lot of my meetings and calls today ended with, "Have a great weekend!" We will. It will be just like the past four weeks. This is a labor of love. This is really hard work. These are really long hours. There are no weekdays during harvest. There are no weekends during harvest. There is only harvest.

And we are taking harvest to task.

We are Grasshopper Farms.


Progress Report: 10.28.22


Progress Report: 10.14.22