Progress Report: 10.14.22

Grasshopper Family,

The leaves are turning and the flower is exploding with color!

Harvest is an amazing time of year because of how incredible the plants are. Sometimes we forget to acknowledge the other the leaves turning! Check out the pictures!

Harvest is continuing and the team is cranking. Dry rooms are being filled with wet plants. Dry branches are being taken down. Flower is being removed and trimmed. And then...SOLD!

Yesterday...we had 150 pounds get approved by the state. Adam sold it in TWO HOURS.

The farm also just started running two shifts. We have two more weeks of the long hours. The end is in sight. And we are going to crush every step of the way.

The team has been doing a great job at doing things more efficiently this year. We have the benefit of having done it last year, learning, and now doing it better. With one exception...

This year, we are selling flower during harvest. Last year we completed harvest and continued processing through the end of the year. We did not have our first sale until January. This year we are selling flower as soon as it is ready. We can do this because of the relationships we have fostered over the past year and the quality of our flower. While we are super proud of this opportunity, it is a HUGE lift to manage compliance and fulfillment during harvest.

And yet, we are getting it a great way.

We broke ground at the farm EXACTLY one year ago. Today! We received our final approval for our addition to Building 2 TODAY. Exactly one year later. I can't make these details up. Life is truly happening for us. Check out the picture of Brad and Kris as they prepared for this epic final inspection.

Meanwhile, more presentations in New Jersey!

We presented to the city attorney on Wednesday. The objective was to confirm/outline the path to approval from his perspective. The answer - all clear. It was a very good meeting.

We then presented to the cannabis committee for the city yesterday. The presentation was well received. We wrapped up and the committee invited us to an adjacent room to continue the discussion. The council chamber was booked. In that meeting they started discussing the necessary steps THEY would have to take to ensure we are approved by January. Could we ask for a better outcome? Nope!

We still have a lot of work to do in New Jersey, but everything is moving forward in a wonderfully organic way.

I have attached an article released four days ago on We are extremely grateful for this opportunity to be the subject of an article of the most widely distributed cannabis news the world.

Wrapping up...the pictures highlight the people, the plants, and the operations.

I hope this email finds you well as you head into a beautiful fall weekend.


Progress Report: 10.21.22


Progress Report: 10.7.22