Progress Report: 2.23.24

Grasshopper Family,

This is the last update with February in the subject line! What?! Yup. Next Friday is March 1st.

Colorado is kicking us off with a local talented individual who decided to make a custom wooden box for the team. It is AMAZING when someone is inspired to be a part of what we are doing in this way. There was no ask. It just happened. And it is a really neat piece!

The Colorado mother plants are exploding with health! The team has also started to work on expanding the footprint of the property. Chris took some great drone shots to guide the planning conversation!

Duane and Pam are so incredibly grateful for their grandchild and took a little break inside with a blanket of snow outside.

Michigan is rocking and rolling with dialing the farm in. This is a REALLY important step that so many miss. You have to live in a house before you can truly know where you reorient the furniture or what next items you should buy. They installed additional fans and removed three of the water tanks. Both are extremely valuable - airflow and storage.

Bret and Jack also took down some of the trees that were casting shade and holding septoria spores. They made great work of it!

We had a company meeting today. It was great to see so many people from multiple states at the same time. We covered a lot to foster awareness and alignment.

We took some time to cover personal growth and development, supporting ourselves and each other, and discussed the concept of the GPS.

There is a pretty neat story that illustrates a valuable philosophy. When using a GPS, if you miss a turn, the GPS will state "recalculating" and find the new route. If you miss another turn, it will do it again. The GPS will NEVER give up on you. It will never say, "Look, you clearly are not listening to me, so I am going to shut up and move on." The GPS will ALWAYS recalculate.

We must be the GPS to ourselves and others. We must accept each new detail and approach it with a "recalculating" mentality. We should do this for ourselves. We should do this for our family. We should do this for our friends. We should do it for strangers. And we are absolutely doing this at Grasshopper Farms.

Be the GPS of your life and use recalculating as your guide when encountering challenges.

You've got this!

I am super proud to share some pictures of Cole and his girlfriend visiting Yosemite. I am also proud to share some pictures of some of the team at Aaron's lodge, where he has a crazy awesome pizza oven! He has made thousands of pizzas in it!

We are incredibly grateful and blessed for the team we built and what we are doing.

Thank YOU for your continued support!

Have an amazing weekend!


Unveiling the Therapeutic Symphony: Terpenes and Cannabis for Medical Relief


Progress Report: 2.16.24