Progress Report: 9.16.22

Grasshopper Family,


Yes. This is a glorious milestone for sure. Our 2021 flower is DONE. Adam said he would get it sold by his birthday. The last remaining amount was 919 lbs. Not a small amount. But, Adam got that sold in ONE deal. Oh, also...9/19 is also Adam's birthday. Sooo....we once again face the universe speaking directly to us. And we are listening. And we have incredible gratitude.

We have some remaining pre-rolls and biomass. But, the flower was the goal and we got it DONE!

We are done harvesting our indoor rooms! This is a very exciting milestone because the flower looks AMAZING. We have also been communicating our intentions to compare genetically identical indoor and outdoor flower and people are starting to show interest and ask questions. We have groups from all over the United States who are asking to participate in this analysis. More gratitude.

Harvesting the three indoor rooms allowed us to start practicing for the outdoor harvest, at about 1/10th of the scale, three times over three weeks. We also pulled all of the R&D strains today that we are not going to move forward with for retail. This was also great practice to ease back into the biggest lift of the year. We will then do one day of outdoor harvest next week...and push pause. We will come back together and discuss what went well and what we need to change. We will then wait through the weekend and start the following Tuesday or Wednesday. At that point, we will be operating seven days a week, (a minimum of) 16 hours a day until the outdoor harvest is complete.

Our preparation has felt good. Our planning sessions have felt good. The team feels good. Don't get me wrong, this will be a HUGE lift. Harvest always is. But, we are taking all of the right steps to have a fruitful harvest.

We had three days of industry tours this week. These tours went VERY well. We had some single shingle retail locations. We had some process manufacturers. We had a lab. And we had the LARGEST retailer in all of all measures. These tours did exactly what they were meant to do - establish meaningful relationships. Mission accomplished. The in-person tour never disappoints. Quite the opposite.

Meanwhile, we have been prepping ~5,000 plants for harvest. With the plants being between 8 and 14 feet tall and huge around, it is a TON of work.

Farming is a lot of (welcome and known) work.

Check out the picture of Paul in front of Plant 1! I had to take this picture of Paul because he is usually the person who takes the pictures of Plant 1. I also included a picture of the strain in the bed next to Plant 1. Plant 1 is a stain called Runtz. The irony of it being a smaller stain too. The other strain that Paul is in front of is Ice Cream Kush. Most of the plants are about that size. Bed 1 and Plant 1 just happen to be the smallest strain, which is only one of nineteen beds.

Our Open House is tomorrow!

The team has been preparing for our second annual open house! The thing is, we don't make things pretty for an open house. We take care of each other and our property each and every day. In fact, we had several people on the tours this week comment that our new buildings look great. I had to remind them that our buildings are nowhere near new. They are almost two years old on a very busy, many people, quite muddy and dirty, incredible working farm. We just take the time to keep things cleaned and maintained.

Take care of each other and our equipment and we will all benefit.

Speaking of taking care of our people - this is a good time to remind everyone that taking care of people is our highest priority. Always.

As we close the week, there are still people working in the field. Right now. We get here before 7am. We leave (many days) after 9pm.

This is farming. And farming is hard.

But, this is our passion.

We are...Grasshopper Farms.


Progress Report: 9.23.22


Progress Report: 9.9.22