Progress Report: 7.7.23

Grasshopper Family,

We are in flower mode with our indoor plants! This is very exciting for a number of reasons. One, seeing what Shawn and Lukas produce. Two, this will be the first harvest wave of 2023. Three, harvesting these plants will help us practice for the heavy lift of our outdoor plants.

We are PUMPED!

We got a lot of rain in the past two weeks. Perhaps you saw the news about the rain and heat waves. Well, our farm and our plants are awesome. Particularly, our improved roads really held up!

Our field flagging system is back in action! This helps everyone working in a very large field flag different issues around the farm, but also allows them to continue doing what they were already doing, minimizing distractions and multi-tasking.

Knowing the details of our farm is powerful. Caroline did a great job of using one of the whiteboards to articulate our plant count. While this might sound easy, it is NOT. There is a lot that goes into the numbers. 

We had an unknown visitor dig a hole in one of our pots. Hmmm. Still trying to figure that one out.

Bret hopped in the tractor to help spray some really effective and safe treatments around the perimeter of our farm, part of taking our IPM to the next level! 

We do sap analysis on our plants. This helps us to see what is going on with our plants well before anything presents visually. Proactive versus reactive. Clint is showing us all of the leaves that were taken as samples. They are all labeled and protected in a cooler as they are transported to the lab. 

Adam is gearing up for a pretty big festival tomorrow. He did something pretty amazing. He knew that setting up the pop-up tent and positioning the banner as walls was something he should test/practice before the event. This will ensure it goes up smoothly and with all of the necessary parts. Plans are awesome. Execution is key. Practicing between planning and execution is a game changer.

My brother and his family visited the New Jersey farm! Check them out with my wife in front of the outdoor bed area. It was great to show them around.

Meanwhile...Chris, Rob, and Donnie are crushing it in Colorado! The plants are thriving! Chris got a picture of a grasshopper on top of one of the bamboo support poles. Chris also designed a logo with the Colorado flag embedded in it and had it printed as a t-shirt! Awesome. Check out the team!

We also found some cannabis leaf earrings. We don't have them for sale...but you can find them online!

Matt took another drone shot this morning. I can not wait to see how these plants look in four weeks.

I received a text while I was writing this update. This was from a gentleman who I met at the Florida conference. He wanted to share with me that he had just purchased four pre roll tins!! Wow!

We were in a few more articles this week! Check out WestWord, RollPros, and the Michigan Cannabis Trail! We did another interview yesterday and two conferences have now confirmed us for speaker engagements! Let's gooo!

Brad was at a township meeting last night. He and/or Kris are at every single meeting. We show up with the intent of being helpful, transparent, and proactive. There is a very small group of people who have been against cannabis in Michigan who also sometimes attend the meetings. Super normal. Well, one of them pulled Brad aside last night and said that while she is still against the industry as a whole, she is impressed with how we are operating and would even like to work for us.

What?! Yup. That happened. Amazing.

Quality. Consistency. Patience. These virtues have served us well and will continue to be pillars of our family.

I am so proud of our team in Michigan, New Jersey, and Colorado. Minnesota, Massachustests and Oklahoma are not far behind. They are the best team anyone could be blessed to have.

We are Grasshopper Farms!


Progress Report: 7.14.23


Progress Report: 6.30.23