Progress Report: 6.28.24

Rattlesnakes, grasshoppers, and chickens oh my!

Grasshopper Family,

We are wrapping up the sixth round in this twelve round journey we call 2024.

And we are just getting warmed up.

The plants are outside and they are absolutely exploding with growth. Some storms passed through and offered our ladies a huge drink of water. While this is the way of farming, not all farmers are created equally. A small part of farming is the dance with their crop of choice. The rest is the farmers ability to embrace and surf the wave that is Mother Nature. Embrace all of her power and force or find yourself with withering crops and baron land.

We choose to surf and enjoy the ride.

The Michigan class of 2024 is dancing, indeed. Their growth has been so incredible it has already motivated the team to make some iterative changes in 2025.

Just outside the reach of the plants, our expansion to pave the way to meeting demand and obligations - Building 3.

The next building at the Michigan farm is coming along beautifully. The team is amazed with the Amish craftsmanship and ability to climb to heights and walk narrow beams while working alongside some mechanical partners assisting in the movement of large overhead trusses.

As we move from Michigan we stop in New Jersey. We have finally received some long anticipated county approvals and are set for our next meeting with the officials of Galloway Township. We have been patient. We have been persistent. We have never wavered. We have embraced confidence.

And then we head to Colorado.

We had more rattlesnake sightings!

And then...

It's time for a bit of good news, innovation, and irony.

We are Grasshopper Farms. Yes. The grasshopper represents always learning and hopping from season to season, as our crops are new each year. The irony being that grasshoppers also love eating...wait for it...cannabis. BUT, only with a certain level of sugar. And grasshoppers come in waves in Colorado. So, the team is taking measures to adjust the sugar levels in the plants AND has taken on some new tenants. Chickens!

Innovation. Flexibility. Always learning.

We are Grasshopper Farms.

The Friday message this week was a quote.

Sometimes we need a reminder…

“Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worries. They just don’t let these feelings stop them.”

– T. Harv Eker

I hope you all enjoy the close to your week, the month of June, and the first half of 2024.


Progress Report: 7.5.24


Progress Report: 6.21.24