Progress Report: 12.2.22

Grasshopper Family,

Happy December! December? Yup, December.

This is the unsung heroes edition!

What do I mean by that? Well, harvest is hard work. But, there is something that happens after harvest that needs to be shared - cleanup! The team spent the better part of the week pulling the remains of the harvested plants and creating the mound we will need to dispose of. It isn't easy. It isn't quick. And the weather isn't great.

Our quality control process and pre-roll program are trucking along inside. Everything has been consolidated to Building 2! Building 1 is starting to transform for outdoor propagation.

Adam has been a road warrior, meeting with retailers and conducting vendor days. In fact, he is going to be going LIVE on Facebook at 5:30pm ET! Join in and show him some love! Kayla has been right there with him, supporting remotely. If you remember, we started selling our 2021 harvest in January of 2022 - this year. We sold 58 lbs that first month. We then sold the remaining 5030 lbs, with our last sale on September 30, 2022. We started selling our 2022 harvest on October 12th, selling 541.80 lbs by October 31st. We then went on to sell 1,501.82 lbs in November.

It's a tricky market right now. But, here is what I believe. We are now known. Our flower has been accepted as a premium sun-grown product. Our retailers are selling out of everything we sell them. The hardest aspect of the market is (a) people selling at deep discounted prices which we will not compete against and (b) making sure retailers reorder before they run out of our product. And, we are still not sure what will happen this month or in January.

BUT, for today....we are moving in the right direction.

A couple years ago, we were an idea. Last April (on 4/20!) we received our plant touching licenses. We had our first harvest last year. We started selling this year. We had a second harvest this year.

It's easy to look at our team and what we have built and think this has been going on for a lot longer than it has. The reality is that we have not even been operational for 20 months yet. And we have not even been selling for 12 months yet.

The only reason we have achieved these milestones is because of our amazing team and your incredible support.

New Jersey is coming. A handful of states are starting to shape up after that.

Life takes work. It takes discipline. It takes being able to look in the mirror and acknowledge what we do and don't know. It takes patience. It takes consistency. It takes persistence.

And none of that happens without the most important element - team.

We are Grasshopper Farms.

Enjoy watching the USA - Netherlands match tomorrow!! [Insert Amsterdam joke here.] *wink*


Progress Report: 12.9.22


Progress Report: 11.25.22