Gary Payton Runtz


20.2% THC / 2.32% Terpenes /  Hybrid

The trichome-covered, forest green buds and amber-hued pistils of this sun-grown hybrid strain produce an intoxicating aroma, creating a light, fragrant, and flavorful smoke that is smooth and gentle on the lungs. True to its hybrid nature, this strain soothes both the mind and body without overwhelming the senses. Ideal for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression, its euphoric effects are sure to make you feel as if you’ve just sunk a game-winning three-pointer.

Gary Payton Runtz Profile

2.32% Avg. Terpenes:

  • Caryophyllene is a rather unique terpene because it is known to interact with the endo-cannabinoid system (ECS) and produce a powerful anti-inflammatory response that can manage pain. Caryophyllene is the only terpene known to exist that can also act as a cannabinoid and interact directly with the ECS by binding to the CB2 receptors in the central nervous system.

    Caryophyllene is found in many herbs/spices throughout the world; including Basil, black pepper, and oregano. People who smoke cannabis strains with high levels of caryophyllene often report a spicy warmth in the nose and mouth. This flavor is frequently compared to that of cinnamon and cloves.

  • Limonene is a wonderful aromatic found in the peels of citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes (Hence its name). It provides a fruity-citrus taste and often lends itself to a delightfully sweet smell. Unfortunately there is not a large body of research into the specific biological effects or methods of action; However, some small studies exist and when combined data gathered from the experiences of those who smoke strains high in limonene, we can form a more clear picture of what effects it offers.

    Limonene is most often associated with elevated mood and stress relief so there is limited clinical evidence that limonene heavy strains have more powerful anxiolytic (anxiety reducing) properties.

    Of Limonene’s most interesting medical benefits is its potential cancer fighting capabilities. Limonene has been found to slow the growth of skin, breast, and mammary, tumors[2] [13] [5] in both humans and mouse models. Another study [8] found that taking limonene supplements for 4-6 weeks helped stopped the production of a protein called IGFBP-3, which in turn lead to a reduction in breast tumor growth. Other labs have found benefits to limonene in Brain and Lung cancer models [14] [12]. It has also been found that limonene may help relieve the discomfort of heartburn and gastric reflux.

    Limonene also seems to improve the absorption of other terpenes in delivery methods like topical lotions and balms as well as oral or sublingual administration routes. For this reason it is ideal when making edibles or THC/CBD lotions.

  • For many years Linalool was overlooked in research labs and rarely got to steal the spotlight, but in recent years Linalool has been building a following as more and more therapeutic benefits emerge in the research. In nature Linalool can be found in over 200 different types of plants but its smell is most often likened to that of lavender. Linalool appears to offer powerful anti-microbial effects, which helps keep cannabis and other plants that produce high amounts of it safe. Linalool has also been found in the lab to reduce anxiety [1] and lower the display of depression associated behaviors [4]. Also Mice exposed to linalool Vapour seemed to have better resilience against the bodily harms of stress. [10]

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